Applecare rocks!
So, I sit here, like years past, way past midnight, typing away onto my computer. This time though, it's into my brand new shiny intel iMac, well okay, no so brand new, but it's still a newer machine than my old imac. For those avid readers out there, you will recall that my untimely purchase of a G5 iMac in january of this year was the biggest failure in exercising of cash since the days of when I used to take cabs back from from the office. (being that the intel duo core's came out 8 days later) But as luck would have it, in a strange twist of fate that involved the systematic failure of not less that 3 components on my imac g5 (first the DVDrom, then the display, then the motherboard) each time requiring the machine to be sent back to apple for repairs, -- the unthinkable happened after my last call into applecare on the motherboard crash -- and it went something like this.
“moshi mosh”
“e-yes... Mister Chaanjeery-san?”
“yes, that’s me”
“ayes, ahwee are so sorry, we checked your records, en we faund that you oready had to return your computer 3 times this year”
“uuh... yeeeah. I’ve had many troubles in the past with my mac”
“yeess. we are ssso sorri for your trouble... but since dis is the forth time you are returning your mac....uh...we...
“we would like to offer to replace your machine with a new machine completely. A new model.”
<... stunned silence>
“is that okay? meester Chanjeery?”
“uh YEAH, that would be ... uh GREAT!!”
So 1 week later, a brand new shiny dual core intel mac shows up at my door. And there you have it.
Applecare. worth every penny. (3 replacements, and 1 new imac later)
I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
So I’ve joined the ranks of the rauwdy good for nuthin’ bike riders last week. No, not the spandex loving tour de frenching euro freaks with quadriceps bigger than cedar trunks -- but motorcycle riders. I picked up my bike license during the month of september, and I bought my first bike, a Honda CB400 VTEC3, in yellow and black. I figure its my colours, seeing as its the Waterloo colours, the colours of Nikon Camera, and also looks damned cool. I’m going to name her Mayra. Those spandex loving eurosfreaks out there will recognize that 'mayra' is the name of the bee girl in that very terrible french cartoon show that used to show on saturday mornings in canadian television. Also, since I already have a skirt lap pillow named after my girlfriend, I figure I should diversify a bit with my bike.
I’m looking forward to getting it soon (it will be delivered on the 17th) so that I can start riding around, ripping up the town, making quick work of those silly boxes with 4 wheels on the streets.
Look Mom, no keys!
So last weekend I rented a car to drive myself and a friend to golf out in Chiba. The car we ended up getting was a Mazda jizzbox. -- nah, well, just pullin your chain, I actually don’t remember what it was called, but I called it a jizzbox, because, well, it sorta looks like the nissan Cube, but more rounded, but around the same size, so “jizzbox”just sort of sounded right. Anyway, this particular jizzbox had a navichan (GPS) that was very tempermental. At times, she would freeze up and require a reboot. In particular, when we were just about 20km from the course, driving through some rural town in god knows who knows chiba, she decides to freeze. We miss a turn, and only after 200m did we realize that the map wasn’t moving anymore. -doh- So we turn off into a narrow rice paddy road, reorient, and reboot. But a normal reboot doesn’t help, and neither of us can real kanji, so couldn’t find the power switch. We just couldn't switch the darned thing off. So the only alternative was to hard reboot, ie, turn off the car. Except, when I reach for the keys, I was shocked and horrified only to find a enpty key slot in the steering coloumn. What the F#$%?! there isn’t any keys in this car!!! How the... what the... how is the car running??!?!! Apparently, after panicking for about 5 seconds, I realized that there was a little keychain with a black card hooked onto the dashboard. the black card was about the size of a credit card, but about 5 times thicker. it was obvoiusly a remote control to lock the doors. But on this particular remote, one of the corners pulls out (aka PDA stylus) to reveal a KEY! Oh man, who would have thought. Man these japanese, I guess they figured that the keys were too easily locked in the car... so if you had to carry the locking mechanism, you would notice if the key was missing due to the key being a part of the card. Well, cute idea, but one that freaked me out. I mean, what kind of car can run without a key in the ignition?
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