Proving once again that microsoft is desperate beyond desperation, they were promoting windows 7 by selling 7 patty whoopers at bk here in japan.
They were disgusting and a waste of food. Wait, sort of like how windows is a waste of your hardware resources.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Windows 7 Burger? How sad Microsoft...
Tokyopians take Halloween seriously
Wel at least in the party sense. Not much trick o treating though. No complaints from me.
Shibuya music festival
So I walk out of my place to find that the street is blocked and they have some strange music festival going on in front of 109. Life in Shibuya is never boring. Having a bout of warm weather nownjn Tokyo. It's a comfortable 18 degrees. So I'm jogging out in yoyogi park yesterday when I start to think about the recent discovery channel program I watched on the great coral reefs. The narrator kept on talking about the corals being the best architects in earth. I couldnt help but to be offended at the obtusivness of that statement. I mean architecting implies intelligent design. Something which I doubt can be attributed to these primitive invertabrae. It no more intelligent than how sunflower seeds arrange themselves in a pattern to obrain maximum density given a surface area. That made me to think about intelligence. If an organism, like a machine will predictably follow a set of preprogrammed behaviours, whether in cellular or silicon based code, is it really intelligent? If not then is the only thing that's sets humans apart is our complexity and potential for random behaviour? Is there truely such a thing as random? Or just consequences resulting in outputs from a complex system we call a brain being fed psuedo random inputs?
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Windows 7 burger
Begin forwarded message:
From: Dave <>
Date: 2009年11月4日 16:14:28JST
To: Blogger <>
Subject: Windows 7 burger
Proving once again that microsoft is desperate beyond desperation, they were promoting windows 7 by selling 7 patty whoopers at bk here in japan.
They were disgusting and a waste of food. Wait, sort of like how windows is a waste of your hardware resources.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Hokkaido, Day 3
Sunday, August 23, 2009
So post your impressions of the day, if you were there. This is NOT a conspiracy theory hash thread. We all know that Bush was in the kahoots anyway. ;0)
I want to hear your accounts of the day if you were there.
My story.
I was working in the vicinity, and my birthday had been the day before. I was smashed, and hung over. My boss had a habit of calling me if I was so much as 1 minute late, so walking in at 10 past 9 was not going to be fun. I come out of whitehall station, only too see what looks like confetti sprinkling from the sky. "those silly americans, its probably flag day, columbus day, or the yankees won the world series again" I discount the phenomenon and run to the office. I slip under the cover of the cubicles to mine, and pop up my head.
2 seconds later, boss pops his head out of the his window office. 'SHIT', I'm busted, I think. "Hey, did you hear? A plane crashed into the World Trade Center!"
First thought in my mind -- "YESS! he didn't notice that I was late!!" Second thought in my mind -- "another one of those stupid crop dusting farmers who lost control of his plane again?" Third thought in my mind -- "heeeey wait a second, there ain't no farms in lower manhatten! wtf?"
Check Yahoo (google wasn't as dominant back then, and was still the place to go for news.) Web site server no response. WTF the internet is down?!?!?
oooooooooh donkey doodles, this is something serious.
I look out the window. I don't now why, as my view points the other way and I can't even see the towers. then I hear a loud reverberating Booooooooooong! The kind of sound that those garbage trucks make when they drive over those metal plates they cover holes in the road with in manhattan. Oh my, I wonder if that was just a very very heavy truck running over those plates outside. (later on, I deduced that it was the second plane hitting)
Security announcement comes on over the PA. Evacuate the building. News from the floor (they have CNN and all the news channels continuously on) Word is that america is under attack.
WTF! Gets me the heck outta here! I'm thinking.
We leave the building... and stand around outside. Security likes to think that they have everything under control, but lets face it, there is no authority in chaotic times. More confetty falling from the sky outside, drifting down like large chunks of snow. I pick one up. Its obviously a piece of drywall this time, larger than the first ones I saw in the morning. I put it in my pocket.
We wait for around 15 min. Security then calls us to return to the building. (likely they realized that inside at least we would be safe from falling debris)
A couple buddies and I say, to heck with that! We want to see the damage! I mean, this is NEWS. We head over to the Battery tunnel, we see the two large black smoldering holes in the towers, a sight now emblazoned in the worlds consciousness. We stare for a while, and just wonder how many dead. And how the heck where those firefighters going to put out a fire that high. Do sprinklers even work if a plane were to crash through the water pipes? I pondered these questions as we just stood in awe. (I'm an engineer after all) At this point, we were still sure that somehow things would get sorted out. I mean, this is AAAmerica! Fuck Yeah! They will think of something. Right? So with that mental reassurance, we decided to get a camera and video cam from my friends apartment, who lived in battery park, whose building had its power out. Against all of the security guards protests, we proceed up 30 flights of stairs, in the dark (rather fun actually in retrospect) got the camera stuff, and went back down to the vantage point from batter park, and started filming. I started commentating on the video CNN style. We were walking closer and closer to the buildings. NYPD were trying to marshall people back, but they didn't have enough officers to keep an eye on everyone, it was easy to get around them. So here we are, walking up Rector street towards the towers, when well, you know,
So in the next 2 seconds the following happened: First thought in my mind -- "holy shit! Wow! My god, this is really happening!!" Second thought in my mind -- "Oh SHIT! its going to flatten us!" Third thought in my mind -- "ooooh phew, it looks like its just falling straight down... no worries" Forth thought in my mind -- "Wait.... but what about the... Oh donkey doodles! the debris cloud! the debris cloud! Run!"
The girl with us faints, the weight of the situation is too much for her, and she is unable to run, me and my buddy we haul her up on our shoulders and hussle back as fast as we could, every couple seconds or so, I turn around and snap a picture with my disposable camera.
First thought in my mind after we start running: -- where they heck can we go? Jump in the river? hmm...But drying out my socks and shoes... and we could drown. Bad idea.
Thankfully the cloud dissapates a bit after we turn the corner, and head for one of the office buildings beside the South Ferry subway, we duck into the lobby. the dust cloud covers us like white funeral ashes in some buddist ceremony.
The rest is history. I never saw the second building fall, we were taking refuge in the lobby of the building, and the final picture I took that day was of me and my self fashioned face mask filter, made out of panty hose that I bought at the newstand smoke shop in the basement of the lobby.
I still have that little piece of drywall today.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
This was among one of the funnier displays at condomania in harajuku.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
The projects
there were very friendly Vietnamese and Japanese shops in the area.
Portable "rentogen" machine
One of these was used as part of the free medical checkup that we were
helping out with as part of charity work
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
the kindness of strangers
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The number 60 says I WIN
last one!!!!
(the separate antennae model)
The people behind us had to settle for the handlebar card reader.
Now it's just waiting in line for the signing up paper work. I was number 72 in line and my buddy was 71. If he got the last one I would have mugged him for it.
Japan midnight vigil for ETCs
up and out of the parking garage of the saitama naps in hopes to get
one of these coveted ETC devices which allow you to pay tolls auto
magically on highways. The government has an insane campaign which
allows you to spend just 1000 yen to rise as far as you like, and in
response, what was once the benign etc device sold out and went on
backorder immediately across the country. The manufacturer can't keep
up with orders so stores across the country must ration their sparse
inventories. To make things worse, naps is offering an additional
discount for the in device from the regular 45000 and 28000 for the 2
types to 22000 and 11000 for this June campaign. Sounds great right?
Well unfortunately the catch is that they have a total of around 1200
devices to spread over the 11 stores in japan. Each store gets around
100 devices and in the span over 4 campaign days you have people
lining up all night. We got here at 2am to find 60+ people camped
already. What is amazing is that despite the sign that says that there
are already 100 people past a certain point there is a line that
continued outside for another hundred. What are those people waiting
for? Hoping against all hope that some of us will leave? Only in japan.
Monday, June 08, 2009
12800yen charger
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Angels and Demons
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
On the coast of shigoku
I went through the longest tunnel, and crossed the worlds longest bridge span, spent a grand total of 16000yen for 3 nights stay at inns, and ate Italian food in Kyoto, and Brazilian in Nagoya. Paid over 15000 in tolls and went a top speed of 165kph.
No reservations whatsoever.
Please do not ride the toilet
laughing. Thankfully I was on said toilet.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Total spontaneity
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thank you India
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wholly shut
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Spicy India
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I'm Ducatista now
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Starting to get some air!
Monday, March 09, 2009
With 60,000円, I'd be happy too
This is a $600 stamp. Yep. Why would you need a $600 stamp you ask? Well, in Japan, administrative fees for the government are paid via stamps. Aptly named stamp fees. Any of you who have had to deal with the DMV in japan will be familiar with the system. Basically, in order to make things efficient, in government offices, you go from counter to counter, each counter fulfilling a part of the bureaucratic process, very much like a assembly line. Inevitably, part of the process will be a visit to the cashier window, where you buy the stamps that will cover the fees for the bureaucratic service for which you are applying to. This particular process, is a apartment purchase. (not mine, but a friends) for that particular process, taking ownership of property requires a ¥60000 stamp. Would really really suck if you lost this stamp.