Monday, October 29, 2007

Golf in Chiba

Contrary to what most westerners thing, there are bungloads of golf courses in japan. Also there are plenty of affordable ones too, but you have to go on weekdays as the sheer amount of golfing population dictates that prices on weekends jack up a lot.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Crazy Spiders in Chiba

Crazy Spiders in Chiba
Originally uploaded by DJChan
You really don't want to mess with these guys...


Originally uploaded by DJChan
Is there a hidden message here? In a land ruled by strict rules, I think this display is enough to freeze the typical japanese person into a confused blur of inaction.

VFR800, SV400, ZRX400, CB400

VFR800, SV400, ZRX400, CB400
Originally uploaded by DJChan
Next time, we are going to have to get some female to ride the blue yammy XJR400 to complete the set. We rode around the entire penninsula of Chiba and Izu, and put around 1000km on our bikes for the weekend. It was awesome.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Straight out of the book...Initial-D

Straight out of the book
Originally uploaded by DJChan
Irohazaka, the windy mountain road made famous by Initial-D, is a riders paradise during the day, drifters racetrack by night. Only 2 hours from tokyo, its a travellers must see. As you can see by the photo in the motorcycling book I'm holding.